Freshen up those tired looking flower pots for fall

Tip of the Week

It seems like summer does not want to end, but it is going to be fall in 6 days. Everyone likes to decorate their porch or patio for fall. Freshen up those tired looking pots!

Even though we have not yet had frost, it has been a long season for the annuals. Some have powdery mildew, some are just leggy, some are bloomed out. There are a number of flower choices that like the cool weather of fall that we can replace with the worn out ones. Last year we had color until almost December, don’t give up on your flowers! Add them into your fall display!

Dress up those containers for the fall season with pansies, violas, snap dragons, dianthus, and ornamental kale and cabbage as well as some perennials. Most come in great fall colors like gold, red, rust and orange. You can use mums, asters or tall snaps for the centers. Pansies and violas make great fillers as well. All those plants love the cooler weather and will take frosts, except for the mums which will need to be protected if there is frost. 

Most garden centers will have these plants and maybe a few more in stock. You can plant them yourself or call a landscaper. Enjoy color longer in your flower pots!